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7 results found:

Title Cover Author Language pair Description Feedback
An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage Geoffrey Leech; associate authors Benita Crui English
Geoffrey Leech [traditional grammarian] provides teachers and learners of English with a unique reference grammar.
5 (1 entry)
Diccionario de términos jurídicos / A Dictionary of Legal Terms 10th edition Enrique Alcaraz Varó - Brian Hughes English to Spanish
Spanish to English
This 10th edition of the dictionary contains 6,849 entries, an 80% increase compared to the terms contained in the 1st edition appeared in 1993. Alcar...
5 (4 entries)
Diccionario LID de Construcción e Inmobiliario Team of 15 authors English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
German to Spanish
Spanish to German
Second edition. Includes 10,000 terms, with a definition in Spanish and British and American English, French and German translations. Also includes a ...
3 (2 entries)
Dicionário Houaiss Eletrônico da Língua Portuguesa 2009 Editorial Team Portuguese
This is the new 2009 version(3) of Houaiss, an unabridged eletronic dictionary with more than 442,000 entries. This version includes the New Portugu...
5 (1 entry)
English-Bulgarian Technical Dictionary [team] English to Bulgarian
This third revised and supplemented edition of the dictionary contains approximately 115,000 terms and terminological combinations derived from variou...
Italian/English Business Glossary Vincent Edwards, Gianfranca Gessa Shepheard Italian to English
English to Italian
This is an essential reference companion to all who use Italian for business communication. Containing over 5000 words, this handy two-way A-Z glossar...
Legaling English-Turkish Legal Terminology Database The first English-Turkish, Turkish-English legal terminology database Legaling created “for profession...