Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Dec 6 '17 pol>eng Zo Pan chzän? Co Pan chciał? easy closed no
- Dec 6 '17 pol>eng Tschicho, bunsch lo tschicho ti diablä Cicho, bądź (no) cicho, do diabła easy closed no
4 Aug 15 '10 pol>eng na salonach for Varsovian/Warsaw elite/high society easy closed no
- Sep 5 '06 pol>eng jesli pragmiesz czegos bardzo mocno - caiy wszechswiat spryia tobie if you want/desire something really much, the whole Universe stands in your favour easy closed no
4 Dec 16 '04 eng>pol Lips unused to Thee usta Ciebie niezwyczajne easy closed no
- Dec 15 '04 por>eng Ordem dos Engenheiros Engineers' Guild/Guild of Engineers easy closed ok
4 Nov 7 '04 eng>pol they drop shells on our own men. (że) ostrzelałyby/zbombardowały naszych własnych żołnierzy easy closed no
4 Nov 4 '04 eng>pol shell fire ostrzał pocisków artyleryjskich easy closed no
- Oct 15 '04 pol>eng jechać tyłem do kierunku jazdy to go/be driven rear-facing easy closed no
- Sep 7 '04 eng>pol wsi spokojna, wsi wesoła oh, country tranquil, oh, country gay easy closed no
4 Sep 5 '04 eng>pol oblivion of eternity niżej easy closed no
- Sep 4 '04 eng>pol the sting of death ukłucie/żądło śmierci easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered