Job closed This job was closed at Mar 3, 2025 10:37 GMT. 2K words English > Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati, Bengali Байрлуулсан: Mar 1, 2025 06:38 GMT (GMT: Mar 1, 2025 06:38) Job type: Орчуулга/засах/хянах тохиолдуулах ажил Service required: Translation Confidentiality level: HIGH Хэл: English to Bengali, English to Gujarati, English to Hindi, English to Kannada, English to Malayalam, English to Marathi, English to Tamil, English to Telugu Ажлын тодорхойлолт: We are seeking an experienced individual translator specializing in the insurance domain to translate a document of approximately 2,000 words. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in insurance terminology and a proven track record of delivering high-quality translations.
TAT: 1 Day - Urgent Work
🔹 Only individual translators are eligible to apply; agencies will not be considered.
If you have a keen eye for detail and can deliver accurate, timely translations, we would love to hear from you.
Languages Required:
- Telugu
- Kannada
- Malayalam
- Marathi
- Hindi
- Gujarati
- Bengali
Important Details:
📌 Terms: The translator must be available to review and update the final DTP file and perform revisions if needed.
📅 Payment Terms: Payment will be released upon final confirmation and invoicing at the end of the month (30-day cycle). Эхийн формат: Microsoft Word Хүргэлтийн формат: Microsoft Word Budget and payment details: Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job. Төлбөрийн төрөл: Банкны шилжүүлэг Payment terms: 30 өдрүүд Нэхэмжлэлийн өдрөөс хойш. Poster country: India Volume: 2,000 words Үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчид чиглүүлэх нь (Ажлын зар тавигчийн тодорхой заасан): Tech/Engineering, Bus/Financial, Marketing, Law/Patents Илүүд үзсэн тодорхой талбарууд: Insurance Илүүд үзсэн төрөлх хэл: Зорилтот хэл(oo;) Талбарын агуулга: Insurance Үнийн санал өгөх эцсийн хугацаа: Mar 2, 2025 17:30 GMT Хүргэлтийн эцсийн хугацаа: Mar 2, 2025 18:30 GMT Гадаад эх үүсвэр ашиглагчийн талаар: This job was posted by a logged in visitor. Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.
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