Translation and Transcription US Federal Government Project
Байрлуулсан: Mar 3, 2025 15:06 GMT (GMT: Mar 3, 2025 15:06)
Job type: Орчуулга/засах/хянах тохиолдуулах ажил
Services required: Translation, Transcription
Хэл: English to Arabic, English to Chinese, English to Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other), English to French, English to German, English to Hindi, English to Italian, English to Japanese, English to Korean, English to Russian, English to Tagalog, English to Vietnamese Ажлын тодорхойлолт: Hi,
Hope you are well. We are bidding on a US federal Government project from the USCIS agency. Below is a description of what we are seeking:
The following fields have been updated: Competitive and Estimated solicitation release and award date. USCIS Office of Investigations (OI) has a requirement for transcription and translation support. The Office of Investigations (OI) is responsible for policy development, oversight, and management of investigations concerning allegations of misconduct, corruption, and fraud, involving any USCIS employee or contractor not subject to investigation by the DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG), and has primary responsibility for conducting such investigations. These investigations involve audio recorded interviews that need to be transcribed. The objective of this requirement is for a contractor to provide transcripts for audio/video recorded materials. The contractor shall be capable of providing the transcription of different and difficult dialects, mumbled audio recordings, and the translation of foreign languages.
If this is something you are available and willing, please send me your CV and rates as soon as possible. I don't have a date. The info provided is what we have.
Thank you.
Төлбөрийн төрөл: Зөвшөөрөгдөнө
Payment terms: 30 өдрүүд Нэхэмжлэлийн өдрөөс хойш.
Poster country: United States
Үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчид чиглүүлэх нь (Ажлын зар тавигчийн тодорхой заасан):
Илүүд үзсэн тодорхой талбарууд: Asylum/Migration/Displacement
Илүүд үзсэн төрөлх хэл: Зорилтот хэл(oo;)
Талбарын агуулга: Asylum/Migration/Displacement
Илүүд үзсэн үнийн санал гаргагчийн байршил: United States
Үнийн санал өгөх эцсийн хугацаа: Mar 3, 2025 22:00 GMT Хүргэлтийн эцсийн хугацаа: Mar 3, 2025 23:00 GMT Нэмэлт шаардлагууд:
As I described in the Job description, it’s a US Federal Government project that we are bidding on. If interested, please provide your rates for document translation, transcription and your CV. The info provided is what I have. No additional information is available.
Thank you.
Жишээ бичвэр: Энэ бичвэрийг орчуулахыг шаардахгүй
As I described in the Job description, it’s a US Federal Government project that we are bidding on. If interested, please provide your rates for document translation, transcription and your CV. The info provided is what I have. No additional information is available.
Thank you.
Гадаад эх үүсвэр ашиглагчийн талаар:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member.
Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.
Contact person title: Account Executive