Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

dimensional erfasste Depressivität

English translation:

dimensional measure of depression

Added to glossary by Susan Welsh
Jan 26, 2011 00:08
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

dimensional erfasste Depressivität

German to English Social Sciences Psychology somatoform disorders and depression
Neben diesen Studien, die die prädiktive Bedeutung einer gesicherten, kategorialen Depressionsdiagnose untersucht haben, finden sich weitere empirische Studien, die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Ausmaß an dimensional erfasster Depressivität und dem Therapieerfolg prüfen.

I don't understand the difference between "categorial" and "dimensional," in any language. Nor do I understand the use of the verb "erfassen" here.

Change log

Jan 26, 2011 00:16: Ingo Dierkschnieder changed "Term asked" from "dimensional erfasster Depressivität " to "dimensional erfasste Depressivität "


Danila Moro Jan 26, 2011:
I think the meaning is: depression considered as a dimention as opposted to depression seen as a category (as Johanna wrote, a continuos vs a yes or no approch).
Susan Welsh (asker) Jan 26, 2011:
@Ramey In that case, what would you do with "kategorial"?
Ramey Rieger (X) Jan 26, 2011:
Maybe I'm wrong but couldn't "dimensional erfasster" be referring to how the depression is diagnosed? I cannot find any references to "dimensional depression" as a term, although "unipolar" comes close. For example:the connection between the amount/number of positively diagnosed depression and and their therapy successes. I could be completely wrong - but then again....
opolt Jan 26, 2011:
"Dimensional" should be about ... ... "quantity" (vs. quality) I think, .e.g. in terms of duration and/or gravity, when conceptualizing different "degrees" of depression. -- The "categorial" school of thought would tend towards the belief that "subclinical depression" etc. is an entirely different animal. That's at least how I understand it.

Cf. this for some insight, (or more confusion, as the case may be:-]), especially chapter 2.1.3:

Highly scholastic (and thus pretty absurd, even useless) if you ask me, but anyway.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

dimensional measure of depression

The common juxtaposition is "categorical" versus "dimenisonal" assessment/ measures.

“This article examines the relationship of dexamethasone nonsuppression to both categorical (i.e., diagnostic categories) and dimensional (i.e., quantitative, multivariate) measures of depression in children. Sixty inpatients, ages 5-13 years, were administered the dexamethasone suppression test (DST). Categorical measures were the diagnoses of major depression or dysthymic disorder obtained from semi-structured interviews of child and parent. Dimensional measures of depression were the Short Child Depression Inventory (which is a child's self-report instrument) and the Child Behavior Checklist (which gave parent-rated quantitative scores for depression, aggression, hyperactivity, internalizing behaviors, and externalizing behaviors).

The debate over the relative usefulness of categorical (yes/ no) versus dimensional (continuous scales) assessments for determining mental illness has been running strong for nearly a half century
Peer comment(s):

agree MMUlr : because of your better explanation / references
2 hrs
agree Thayenga
3 hrs
agree opolt
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Johanna!"
38 mins

dimensionally captured depression

Biology of depression: from novel insights to therapeutic strategies - Google Books Result
Julio Licinio, Ma-Li Wong - 2005 - 555 pages
be all explanatory determinants for some expressions of depression, ... and dimensional expressions of depression need to be captured in any model.
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