Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

legacy costs

Serbian translation:

nasledjene obaveze

Added to glossary by Miomira Brankovic
Nov 20, 2005 08:00
18 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

legacy costs

English to Serbian Law/Patents Human Resources
"We knew that the tariffs would give us only limited breathing room in staving off the imminent collapse of our entire domestic steel industry, due to skyrocketing legacy costs."
Tekst se odnosi na SAD. Pošto mi se pojam pojavljuje samo u ovoj rečenici nisam sigurna o čemu se radi. Čini mi se da je reč o nasledjenim obavezama firmi (obavezama iz prethodnog perioda) za zdravstveno osiguranje i penzije, gde firme moraju da plaćaju jedan deo doprinosa i za svoje penzionisane radnike, tako da pojedine zbog sve većeg tereta ovih troškova odlaze u stečaj, a njihovi penzioneri onda ostaju bez zdravstvenog osiguranja.
Bila bih zahvalna da mi neko ko bolje poznaje taj sistem objasni o čemu se radi i sugeriše prevod.
Proposed translations (Serbian)
4 +3 nasledjene obaveze

Proposed translations

2 hrs

nasledjene obaveze

U pravu ste:

The world's biggest maker of car parts has been crushed not least by the legacy of generous pension and health-care promises made in the past to its American employees. Despite Delphi's annual revenues of $28 billion, in a market increasingly served by low-cost workers in places like China and with raw-material costs soaring these benefits are no longer affordable. Delphi's future pension obligations alone are valued at $8.5 billion.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mirela Tankovic, CoreCHI™ : Legacy costs are obligation by firms to pay contractually agreed-upon pansion and health benefits to retiree....sto je dogovoreno ili obecano u periodu dobrog poslovanja a sad predstavlja veliki finansijski teret
6 hrs
agree dkalinic
7 hrs
agree Veronica Prpic Uhing :
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala na informacijama i korisnim linkovima."
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