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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translation's day

September 30, 2015, 9:00 pm
葡萄牙LisbonIn personEnglish英语
Let's meet in the friendly little restaurant called "Vicentinho" in the historic area of Sao Vicente in Lisbon.
Open buffet dinner for all tastes and different kinds of drinks for about 20€ (final price when closing the participation).
Everybody welcomes.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (26) / Confirmed: 7 / Tentative: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Isabelle Buratti  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Xana raquel (X)  \"Photographer\" ...  n
Ana Lourenço   Ana Lourenço  y
Marta Marques   ...  y
Bettina Myers   ...  y
Inga Petkelyte   ...  m
Nadia Morais   ...  n
Rui Martinho   ...  
XGeorgia Morg (X)   Just down the road from where I live. Can't wait to meet you all  y
Ana Honrado   Ana Honrado  n
Maria Meneses   Maria Meneses  
Paul Roux   xx  y
JRita   ...  m
Elisabete Costa   ...  n
Artur Jorge Martins   I won't be able to attend, but I wish you all an enjoyable meeting!  n
Paula Ferreira   ...  n
AnaLouro   Ana Louro  m
Antonio Chagas   I will try to attend!   m
João Roque Dias   ...  
Jose Pereira   ...  
Vanda Barbosa   ...  m
Alan Hynds   ...  y
A. Carolina Melo   ...  n
Joana Simão   ...  n
Richard Purdom   ...  m
Susana Alves   ...  y

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