Powwow Report for 米国 - Denver (Westminster), Colorado (Aug 31 2002)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Monika Coulson
Josephina Kooijman

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Sep 7 '02  Marina Gorlach: I am sorry, I won't be able to come
Sep 6 '02  Monika Coulson: Powwow at 2:00 pm on Saturday, September 7, 2002
I will see you at my home at 2:00 pm on Saturday, September 7, 2002. Please confirm your coming. (Nina, Josja and Edi have done it already.) Please let me know if any of you needs directions. My address is:
7402 W. Church Ranch Blvd, #523
Westminster, CO 80021 USA
I am looking forward to see you on Saturday. Thanks.
Sep 5 '02  Nina Engberg: I seem to have deleted myself from the list...
..as I was trying to edit my message. Talk about web savvy! LOL Anyway, I am coming!
Sep 4 '02  Monika Coulson: Another Powwow Reminder
Please let me know how many of you are coming to the powwow this Saturday, so I can make plans. Thank you in advance.