Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 6 '09 rus>eng Но одно дело, когда воль человека статистически много when there is a statistically countable multitude of people’s wills pro closed no
- Jan 31 '09 rus>eng горе-политик madroit politician pro closed ok
- Jan 24 '09 rus>eng Состав и объем сведений,составляющих служебную или коммерческую тайну Structure and volume of classified official and commercial information pro closed no
- Jan 24 '09 rus>eng сохранение целостности и неотчуждаемости закрепленного за ним имущества the preservation of integrity and inalienability of the property … assigned to it. pro closed ok
4 Jan 12 '09 ron>eng valoare mobiliara in forma fizica paper-based securities pro closed ok
- Dec 26 '08 rus>eng трудовой коллектив labor collective pro just_closed no
- Dec 23 '08 rus>eng Зоогигиена с основами проектирования и строительства животных объектов Animal sanitation and basics of animal facilities design and construction pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '08 eng>rus “prayer basket” ритуальная плетеная шкатулка pro closed no
- Dec 11 '08 ron>eng industria energofaga energy consuming industry pro closed no
- Dec 9 '08 rus>eng сформировать to form a land plot pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '08 rus>eng налог у источника tax deducted at source of payment; withholding of tax at the source of payment pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '08 rus>eng компания с ограниченным поручительством Company limited by guarantee pro closed no
4 Dec 1 '08 eng>rus Uncross - [Stock exch. trading day structure] разница между курсами продаж и покупок pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '08 eng>rus Response to the prequalification tender ответ на предложение участвовать в предварительном конкурсе pro just_closed no
- Nov 25 '08 ron>eng icoana praznicar holiday icon pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '08 eng>rus token campaigns рекламные кампании "Купи и получи в подарок" pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '08 rus>eng возникающие при выдаче поручений на импорт товаров when getting... pro closed no
- Nov 22 '08 rus>eng на установление, изменение или прекращение которых направлена совершенная сделка the contents of the transaction including civil rights and obligations that are to be established, m pro closed no
4 Nov 22 '08 rus>eng после поступления денежных средств в оплату Акций upon receipt of funds as payment for shares pro closed no
- Jan 15 '06 rus>eng myezduryechye Mesopotamia pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '06 rus>eng суд по месту проживания ответчика the court examination held at the place of residence of the defendant pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '05 rus>eng Всего прошнуровано The total of 2 sheets are (have been) filed, numbered and sealed. pro closed no
NP Dec 14 '05 rus>eng государственная регистрация юридических лиц носит заявительный характер legal entities get registered based on their applicaion. pro closed no
- Jul 1 '05 ron>eng semne monetare banknotes pro closed no
- Jul 1 '05 eng>rus rescheduling, restructuring or re-organisation реэшелонирование, реструктуризация и реорганизация долгов pro closed no
- Jun 22 '05 rus>eng что свидетельствует о пристрастности и несправедливости со стороны which evidences bias and unfair treatment by the state pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '05 rus>eng поручение на экспортную порузку shipping order, consignment note, waybill, delivery note pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '05 eng>rus leaves the land for the living оставляет землю живым pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '05 ron>eng Casa de Ajutor Reciproc a Pensionarilor Pensioners Mutual Aid Fund pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '05 eng>rus "Аrt and science of handwriting" Possibly: искусство письма и толкования почерка (depending on the context) pro closed no
- Jun 16 '05 eng>rus happy retirement счастья и после того, как он выйдет на пенсию (покинет компанию) pro closed no
- May 5 '05 rus>eng не делить события на прошлые, будущие и настоящие do not differentiate between the past, future or present events pro closed no
- May 3 '05 rus>eng для представления на открытый конкурс в министерстве to be submitted for the open tender at the Ministry pro closed ok
- May 4 '05 eng>rus since finding a solution Поскольку поиск решения pro closed no
- May 3 '05 eng>rus revenue generation (revenue generating) генерирование доходов pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '05 eng>rus self-inverting emulsion самоинвертирование (самоинвертирующаяся) эмульсии pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '05 eng>rus higher referral rates более высокие комиссионные за направление клиентов pro closed ok
- Mar 1 '05 rus>eng zhit' za shet lichnogo podsobnogo khoziaistva to live off subsistence farming pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered