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How to Transcribe and Translate Subtitles in DotSub

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Corbett AM
Corbett AM  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
French to English
+ ...
Dotsub account necessary? If so what type? Apr 8, 2021

Hello there,

I am thinking of buying this video. I actually already have an account with Dotsub. It's just the basic type so I am wondering if this basic level of account is enough to follow this training video. I don't want to upgrade unnecessarily. Thanks.

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Dotsub account necessary? If so what type? Apr 9, 2021

Corbett AM wrote:

Hello there,

I am thinking of buying this video. I actually already have an account with Dotsub. It's just the basic type so I am wondering if this basic level of account is enough to follow this training video. I don't want to upgrade unnecessarily. Thanks.

Hi Corbett,

Thank you for considering Training.

The one-hour video presentation will cover the main features of the tool and explain how it works. The trainer will be giving some basic insights for those who are starting to use the tool.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else.

All the best,

Corbett AM
Corbett AM  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
French to English
+ ...
Thanks Apr 9, 2021

Thanks Helen,

I'll take it from this response that a basic account with Dotsub will do, if I am not going to hear from the trainer herself.

Kind regards
Anne Maria


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How to Transcribe and Translate Subtitles in DotSub

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