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Thread poster: Hesam Arki
Hesam Arki
Hesam Arki
United States
English to Persian (Farsi)
+ ...
Jan 26, 2021

Hello people,

Does anyone use OmegaT translation memory? If you use it, will you recommend it?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:28
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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@Hesam Jan 26, 2021

Hesam Arki wrote:
Does anyone use OmegaT? If you use it, will you recommend it?

Yes, OmegaT is a mature enough product for professional use without fuss.

Aline Amorim
Mr. Satan (X)
Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:28
Russian to English
+ ...
See reviews here Jan 26, 2021

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:28
English to Czech
Yes, yes, for years Jan 27, 2021

Hi Hesam,

The program is very flexible. Look at a dokumentation.

6. Manage Right-To-Left languages

In OmegaT, I machine-translated the documentation for another CAT (Ba
... See more
Hi Hesam,

The program is very flexible. Look at a dokumentation.

6. Manage Right-To-Left languages

In OmegaT, I machine-translated the documentation for another CAT (BasicCAT).

See bellow:
Dva projekty v Omegat = Two projects in OmegaT

left: ZH-EN created using automatically in OmegaT
right: ZH-CS with manually added subfolders Files

The software creates subfolders:

You can add as many TMXs as you want as source tm; project bilingual data are in TMX; and after generating translated files you get TMXs in three formats for different CATs, see pic right below (ZH-CS_BasicCAT-1.tmx).

Another example, many glossaries and a view translation of other languages:


Mr. Satan (X)
Mr. Satan (X)
English to Indonesian
Lovin' it! Jan 27, 2021

I've used it for several projects and I must say, it's very efficient.

Mario Cerutti
Mario Cerutti  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:28
Italian to Japanese
+ ...
Source on the left and target on the right Jan 27, 2021

The only thing that prevents me from seriously trying OmegaT is its way of displaying source and target segments, that is target segments below source segments. Is there any plan in the near future to make OmegaT more mainstream in this regard?

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Hire a Java developer Jan 28, 2021

Mario Cerutti wrote:

The only thing that prevents me from seriously trying OmegaT is its way of displaying source and target segments, that is target segments below source segments. Is there any plan in the near future to make OmegaT more mainstream in this regard?

Since oT is open source, you could pay your money to a Java developer to have her code the enhancement that you desire.

Mr. Satan (X)
Mr. Satan (X)
English to Indonesian
Actually... Jan 28, 2021

Mario Cerutti wrote:

The only thing that prevents me from seriously trying OmegaT is its way of displaying source and target segments, that is target segments below source segments. Is there any plan in the near future to make OmegaT more mainstream in this regard?

I prefer it being top-down. Left-right comparison is a bit irritating to me.

I see that you changed the original question into OmegaT's TM. And the answer is, it works as you expect it to be.

[Edited at 2021-01-28 06:44 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:28
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Hans Jan 28, 2021

Hans Lenting wrote:
Since OmegaT is open source, you could pay your money to a Java developer to have her code the enhancement that you desire.

It's somewhat more complicated than that. Your enhancement will not be available in future versions of OmegaT unless you can convince OmegaT's official development team that your enhancement should be added to the program, and you'd have to ensure that the enhancement is implemented in a way that satisfies the development team, including how it actually works and the way in which it is coded.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
For own use? Jan 28, 2021

Samuel Murray wrote:

Hans Lenting wrote:
Since OmegaT is open source, you could pay your money to a Java developer to have her code the enhancement that you desire.

It's somewhat more complicated than that. Your enhancement will not be available in future versions of OmegaT unless you can convince OmegaT's official development team that your enhancement should be added to the program, and you'd have to ensure that the enhancement is implemented in a way that satisfies the development team, including how it actually works and the way in which it is coded.

But if you only want to use the modified version of oT yourself and have no plans to contribute to the open domain?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:28
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Hans Jan 28, 2021

Hans Lenting wrote:
Samuel Murray wrote:
Your enhancement will not be available in future versions of OmegaT unless you can convince OmegaT's official development team that your enhancement should be added to the program...

But if you only want to use the modified version of OmegaT yourself and have no plans to contribute to the open domain?

It's true, as you say, that one can legally enhance/hack OmegaT privately without having to share the enhancement with others, and one can also legally enhance/hack a version of OmegaT and then share that altered version with others (or even sell it!) without the consent or blessing of OmegaT's official developers.

However, there are reasonably regular updates to OmegaT, so if you get a Java developer to patch your current version of OmegaT only, then you're stuck with that version forever.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Member (2006)
Not necessarily Jan 28, 2021

Samuel Murray wrote:

However, there are reasonably regular updates to OmegaT, so if you get a Java developer to patch your current version of OmegaT only, then you're stuck with that version forever.

Not necessarily ... But it will cost you loads of money.

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:28
English to Czech
See more 1 Jan 28, 2021

In OmegaT, I machine-translated the documentation for another CAT (BasicCAT).

See bellow:
Dva projekty v Omegat = Two projects in OmegaT

left: ZH-EN created using automatically in OmegaT
right: ZH-CS with manually added subfolders Files

The software creates subfolders:

... See more
In OmegaT, I machine-translated the documentation for another CAT (BasicCAT).

See bellow:
Dva projekty v Omegat = Two projects in OmegaT

left: ZH-EN created using automatically in OmegaT
right: ZH-CS with manually added subfolders Files

The software creates subfolders:

Was no visible.

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:28
English to Czech
See more 2 Jan 28, 2021

You can add as many TMXs as you want as source tm; project bilingual data are in TMX; and after generating translated files you get TMXs in three formats for different CATs, see pic right below (ZH-CS_BasicCAT-1.tmx).

Another example, many glossaries and a view translation of other lan
... See more
You can add as many TMXs as you want as source tm; project bilingual data are in TMX; and after generating translated files you get TMXs in three formats for different CATs, see pic right below (ZH-CS_BasicCAT-1.tmx).

Another example, many glossaries and a view translation of other languages:


Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 20:28
French to English
+ ...
Layout @Mario Jan 28, 2021

Mario Cerutti wrote:

The only thing that prevents me from seriously trying OmegaT is its way of displaying source and target segments, that is target segments below source segments. Is there any plan in the near future to make OmegaT more mainstream in this regard?

The target-below-source layout was the norm for CAT tools 15 years ago (pre-2009 Trados, Wordfast Classic, Metatexis, etc.). Some tools allow both layouts. I seriously suggest giving this layout a try - it will take time to get used to, but in the end you may even find it more comfortable, as your eyes travel a much smaller distance between source and target, and there is no chance of your gaze accidentally drifting one row below or above the current line while doing so. Thus, it reduces your eye strain.

[Edited at 2021-01-28 15:36 GMT]

Mr. Satan (X)
Eric Ayala
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