A pain in the eyes - text size
Thread poster: Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:25
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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Oct 25, 2006

I'm rather new to Transit Satellite PE. I would like to increase the overall text size, like in Word when I select 150 %. Is it possible in Transshit?

Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:25
English to Hungarian
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Options/Profile/Settings/Editor/Font/Select Oct 25, 2006

Try Options/Profile/Settings/Editor/Font/Select.
(It works in Transit Smart - I guess this option is available in the Satellite version, too.)

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:25
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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Yes, I finally got so far in the tutorial Oct 25, 2006

Now I use 12 points Arial and each segment on a new line.
Thanks for your advice, Attila!

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:25
German to English
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another useful tip Oct 26, 2006

Hi Heinrich,

I don't know how far you've got in the tutorial (;), but have you defined the background colours of your segments? I find this extremely useful:

Tick View / Highlight active segment
Tick View / Colors for segment type

Then go to

Options / Profile / Settings /Editor 2/2

In the "colors" window, scroll to "background: active segment", click "select", chose your colour, click OK. Repeat with background "translated
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Hi Heinrich,

I don't know how far you've got in the tutorial (;), but have you defined the background colours of your segments? I find this extremely useful:

Tick View / Highlight active segment
Tick View / Colors for segment type

Then go to

Options / Profile / Settings /Editor 2/2

In the "colors" window, scroll to "background: active segment", click "select", chose your colour, click OK. Repeat with background "translated segments" and "untranslated segments".

Now click on Options / Profile / Save

Have fun,

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:25
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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Yes, I use coloring Oct 26, 2006

Thanks for the hint!
I'm not yet through with the tutorial, only to the end of lesson 4. The problem is, that the tutorial takes the whole screen and I have to quit the program before I can do anything else.
But I'm getting along quite nicely already. Just hope when I finish this 800 line job I find a way to proofread and correct efficiently.
How much do these spellingcheckers cost for Transit? Is it possible to assign Word's spellchecker somehow?

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:25
German to English
+ ...
spellchecking Oct 26, 2006

Satellite PE does not have an integrated spellchecker. However, you can use Word's spellchecker by copying and pasting the translated text as follows: (crtl + A doesn't work!):

1. Click on the first segment of the file
2. Press shift + ctrl + end (highlights all the text)
3. Copy to clipboard
4. Paste text into Word.
5. When you find an error, edit the Transit target text accordingly.

BTW, I copy the source + target texts of all my translation
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Satellite PE does not have an integrated spellchecker. However, you can use Word's spellchecker by copying and pasting the translated text as follows: (crtl + A doesn't work!):

1. Click on the first segment of the file
2. Press shift + ctrl + end (highlights all the text)
3. Copy to clipboard
4. Paste text into Word.
5. When you find an error, edit the Transit target text accordingly.

BTW, I copy the source + target texts of all my translations and put them side-by-side in 2 table columns so that Copernic can index them. This means I can find a term if it is not in the reference material I have specified for the project.


Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:25
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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You can buy a spell-checker from Star Oct 26, 2006

And it does not cost the world.
I got the polish spell-checker for 60 Euros plus VAT and now I´m able to do spell-checking in Transit Satellite. It is a big help.

But the biggest help ever for Satellite are the macros written by Arkady Vysotsky, called Plus ToyZ. They allow you to export the Satellite project to tagged text in Word and translate it using Trados, then import them back. This is HELP. I used the macros rec
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And it does not cost the world.
I got the polish spell-checker for 60 Euros plus VAT and now I´m able to do spell-checking in Transit Satellite. It is a big help.

But the biggest help ever for Satellite are the macros written by Arkady Vysotsky, called Plus ToyZ. They allow you to export the Satellite project to tagged text in Word and translate it using Trados, then import them back. This is HELP. I used the macros recently and must say, that I like Transit Satellite PE now very much - as I do not have to work with it anymore Simply accept all translation units after reimport from tagged text with Plus ToyZ, do additional spell-checking, run the TAG verifier and the project in Satellite is done. To get all TUs accepted quickly, just set the minimum match value to 101% and keep ALT+INS pressed until you reach the end of the text.

Kind regards

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:25
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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That sounds good Oct 26, 2006

Arkady Vysotsky, I could not find such a user here. Can you put a link to these plus toyz here, Jerzy.
Thanks a lot!

Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 23:25
Member (2004)
English to Slovenian
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I'd second a call for PLus Toyz... Nov 27, 2006

Fact is ... er ... I lost it (g) while moving my furniture around.

I can only recomend it - saved my hide a number of times.




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A pain in the eyes - text size

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