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Search results: (174 matches)
Italian consiglio su preventivo lavoro di interpretazione di trattativa. esperienza/professionalità imho quando una persona con meno esperienza viene
a chiedere dei consigli a delle persone con più
esperienza credo che sia utile (e gentile) cercare
di aiutare quella persona e non liquid
John Walsh Nov 17, 2013
Fun with language Your biggest language blunder in everyday life At a pizzeria When instead of ordering a "calzone" what I
actually said was "cazzone".... (look it up)
John Walsh Apr 23, 2012
Linguistics 10 Words you need to stop misspelling Hints on English Pronunciation :-) I take it you already know Of tough and bought
and cough and dough Others may stumble but not
you, On thorough, plough, enough and
through Well done! And now you wish perhaps To
John Walsh Jan 6, 2010
Italian BB e legge italiana sulla diffamazione Strumento Essenziale [quote]Mariella Bonelli wrote: Come hai scritto
anche tu, la Blue Board resta sicuramente uno
strumento essenziale che ha aiutato enormemente
noi utenti a uscire dall'ombra e avere un r
John Walsh Dec 30, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Is knowledge of English essential for a translator? Personally.... [quote] Which English are we talking about?
Asian? African? American? British? Australian?
[/quote] I like to call it "International
English" ;) I wouldn't say it is "essential"
John Walsh Nov 5, 2009
Polish OT - Question for a friend about national identity :) [quote]Anna Ujma wrote: Hope it helps:)
[/quote] Yes, it does help and I thank you ;)
John Walsh Jun 16, 2009
Polish OT - Question for a friend about national identity :) Thanks Lucyna and Barbara. Poland has such a rich
and fascinating history but people outside Poland
generally remember the country only for its recent
history, so WWII, cold war, solidari
John Walsh Jun 16, 2009
Polish OT - Question for a friend about national identity Hi, Sorry for writing in English in the "Polish"
forum. I have a friend who is working on a
project related to Poland. He has two questions
that I was hoping someone here might be able t
John Walsh Jun 15, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you mark problem phrases for later? me too [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote: At
least 4 successive question marks = ???? A
question made in the most absolute bewilderment
would use three of them, never four. Just a
John Walsh Jun 26, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How many KudoZ questions do you answer a day? same here [quote]Valery Kaminski wrote: It may be 10-20 a
day, it may be none for a couple of months. Once
you go over that kudoZ grabbing stage it's pretty
sporadic. [/quote]
John Walsh Apr 17, 2008
Italian agenzia non paga non contattare [quote]ELENA MURARO wrote: [quote]John Walsh
wrote: [quote]ELENA MURARO wrote: cosa mi
consigliate? [/quote] dicendo che farai seguire
la pratica da tuo legale se non ricevi il s
John Walsh Apr 12, 2008
Italian agenzia non paga una lettera raccomandata [quote]ELENA MURARO wrote: cosa mi consigliate?
[/quote] dicendo che farai seguire la pratica da
tuo legale se non ricevi il saldo entro 15 giorni
e inoltre in un email, non nella racc
John Walsh Apr 12, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever hired a debt collection agency? same here [quote]Charlie Bavington wrote: Didn't really
see an option equivalent to "no, not yet, but I
will if it ever seems appropriate". [osEdited
at 2008-04-09 18:17] [/quote] Though I di
John Walsh Apr 11, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What's your strongest specialization? Yes [quote]Hannah Johnson wrote: Any time I spend
researching for my translations is always well
spent not only for that piece of work but also for
future work.[/quote] Yes, it's all a que
John Walsh Apr 3, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What's your strongest specialization? Interesting poll [quote]If someone has mastered a language, then
any translation with a good dictionary is
possible. Anything less is a sign of amateurism
... My point; we can restrict our work to a
John Walsh Apr 2, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you continue polishing your working languages? always Since I live in Italy, improving my Italian is
"unavoidable". Actually, I have to work on my
English more than my Italian. Anything I ever read
for pleasure is in English (except for the
John Walsh Mar 17, 2008
Italian Una domanda agli italiani all'estero... non solo gli italiani [quote]Daniele Martoglio wrote: La domanda è:
"Anche altri italiani all'estero fanno lo stesso,
per non rischiare di ricevere un secchio di brodo
marroncino?" [/quote] Controllo semp
John Walsh Nov 30, 2007
Italian Pubblicità: come procedere? E vero che ci sarà sicuramente più mercato verso
l'inglese ma non hanno bisogno di traduzioni
soltanto per i loro prodotti ma anche di tutti i
rapporti comerciali con i clienti all'estero.
John Walsh Sep 13, 2007
Italian I film americani ci insegnano che... Brava [quote]Angioletta Garbarino wrote: ...le
americanate sono bellissime!

at 2007-09-12 09:15] [/quote] E poi non andiamo
al cinema per svagare un pò? Quando leggo un<
John Walsh Sep 12, 2007
Italian I film americani ci insegnano che... Ma come fate... [quote]Giuseppina Gatta wrote: [quote]Michele
Treves wrote: I film americano ci insegnano che
... è meglio non guardarli. Michele Treves
[/quote] ...Io evito i film americani
John Walsh Sep 12, 2007
Italian I film americani ci insegnano che... daiiiii [quote]Michele Treves wrote: I film americano
ci insegnano che ... è meglio non
guardarli. Michele Treves [/quote] Le
americanate sono bellissime! ;-)
John Walsh Sep 10, 2007
Italian Pubblicità: come procedere? anche il fax va in cestino Meglio cercare con "passa parola", uscire a
conoscere persone (networking), andare in fiere e
lasciare tuo bigliettino, cercare congressi dove
ci potrebbe essere un mercato (ci sono
John Walsh Sep 10, 2007
Italian Entrare nella mentalità di un altro popolo: gli Americani e le armi Le Lobby... [quote]Armando Tavano wrote: ....Uno dei problemi
delle democrazie sono le pressioni lobbistiche.
Ora, le lobby praticamente impongono delle leggi
che piú si addicono ai loro interessi
John Walsh Sep 9, 2007
Italian Entrare nella mentalità di un altro popolo: gli Americani e le armi Tanti commenti da fare ma poco tempo per farli.... [quote]Arturo Mannino wrote: ...voglio
semplicemente dire che l'idea di una società che
è qualcosa di più della somma degli individui
che la compongono non è estranea alla cultura
John Walsh Sep 9, 2007
Italian Entrare nella mentalità di un altro popolo: gli Americani e le armi Vero, abbiamo imparato tanto dai Romani... [quote]Secondo me l'America è ancora in una fase
"primitiva", in cui l'Italia si trovava tantissimo
tempo fa, forse all'epoca dei Romani. Poi i Romani
hanno fatto tutti i loro secoli di g
John Walsh Jul 22, 2007
Italian Italian Privacy Law Amazing Thank you so much. ;-) John Walsh Jul 22, 2007
Italian Italian Privacy Law Italian Privacy Law Quacuno sa dove si può trovare una traduzione in
inglese della legge sulla pricacy (se
esiste)? Grazie
John Walsh Jul 21, 2007
Italian Entrare nella mentalità di un altro popolo: gli Americani e le armi IMHO... ....gli quotes che hai inserito sono da persone
che molto probabilmente non sanno cos'è la
realtà fuori dall'America. Le grandi città
(anche tanti piccoli) sono posti molto violenti.
John Walsh Jul 21, 2007
Business issues Translator: Jytte Crooks The outsourcer's nightmare This happened to me once as well. The
staff tried to track the bum down without
success. Just chalked it up as a dreadful
learning experience.
John Walsh Oct 11, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: When you outsource, how much of the payment do you usually keep for yourself? Exploiting? [quote]Kirill Semenov wrote: I don't feel like
earning money by exploiting my fellow colleagues.
[/quote] Do you really consider it "exploiting"
your colleagues?
John Walsh Oct 10, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do (sports) to maintain your bio-rhythm Yeah, like awesome man [quote]Orla Ryan wrote: I walked to the beach
yesterday and saw all these gorgeous guys doing
kitesurfing - it looked SO cool! :-) I have to
admit, I am very tempted to try it! :) [
John Walsh Sep 11, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you work for a regular client at a fixed salary? yes, freedom The choice between being a 9 to 5 slave or a slave
to cash flow. Hmmmm, I prefer the "freedom" of the
latter. [quote]Amy Duncan wrote: there's
nothing finer than working at home!
John Walsh Jul 15, 2006
Teaching and Learning Languages English Conversational Lessons depends on market 19 is far far far too many. I never have groups
bigger than 8 people (10 on rare occasions). I
charge 10 Euro per hour and have students pay for
a certain number of hours in advance.
John Walsh Jul 2, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use messengers? me too [quote]Sandra Chiancone wrote: I'm not much of a
phone person: [/quote] I hate the phone but just
love messenger.
John Walsh Jun 17, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, can clients count on you to work during weekends? 9 to 5 slave? No thanks. [quote]Henry Hinds wrote: Well, those are "other
people's" hours, mine are different, that's why I
became a freelancer. And no extra charge.
[/quote] I'm with Henry on this one. The
John Walsh Jun 15, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you outsourced work without telling you client? I wonder why [quote]Henriette Iracabal wrote: someone else was
outsourcing part of the job they were doing
together, claiming it was extremely unethical. H

[Editado a las 2006-06-12 20:16]<
John Walsh Jun 13, 2006
Italian Tariffa di asseverazione interessante [quote]Giuseppina Gatta wrote: Ricorda che la
traduzione giurata comporta una responsabilità
che, a detta di alcuni traduttori (io non ho
trovato riferimenti legali ma ci credo) dura per
John Walsh May 28, 2006
Off topic It must be really bad when it rates an article in The Times:-) Italy... ...isn't much better. Might be worse. The US
also has loads of trash TV but at least there are
hundreds of channels so you can usually find some
high quality stuff.
John Walsh May 28, 2006
Business issues Agency payment policies: 30 or 60 days following invoice date. Why? yes [quote]Daniel Bird wrote: I can think of times in
my career when immediate payment would have been
of greater value than a higher rate paid
later. DB [/quote] Me too. Now I'm not very
John Walsh May 27, 2006
Business issues Agency payment policies: 30 or 60 days following invoice date. Why? 30 days is good [quote]Simon Bruni wrote: My questions are: 1)
Is this common practice in other countries? 2)
Why do agencies do this? 3) What is their
justification for setting these
John Walsh May 27, 2006 directory Prices/rates on profiles - who are they aimed at? I'd be curious... [quote]Philippe Etienne wrote: I have never been
in contact with direct customers through
Philippe [/quote] know how many Proz
members have been contacted by direct cus
John Walsh May 25, 2006
Italian offerta di lavoro interessante? è la prima volta che... ...vedo un email cosi in italiano. Di solito mi
arrivano in inglese. Damn spammers. Li oddio.
John Walsh May 10, 2006
Linguistics How to define the future time? Hear hear [quote]Lucia M wrote: If you will read my initial
post with less of an emotional bent, [/quote] I
think it's more than just an emotional bent.
[b]engtense[/b], since you are a lear
John Walsh May 3, 2006
Italian Tariffe traduzione giusto cosi [quote]Frédérique Jouannet wrote: Prova a
contare i caratteri che compaiono su una riga
(compresi gli spazi) poi conta il numero di righe
della pagina. Moltiplicando i caratteri della
John Walsh Apr 27, 2006
Italian Nuova lautissima offerta (IT>EN) In tal caso [quote]Rita Bilancio wrote: Questo aspetto
incuriosisce anche me. Ipotesi: traduttori con
scarsa mole di lavoro, che devono fare
esperienza... [/quote] il cliente non potrà
John Walsh Apr 21, 2006
Money matters Agencies: How many words per day? Same here [quote]IreneN wrote: After 15 years in business
3000 words is my average daily output and I can
produce up to 5000 words/day (at least 10-hour
day) without any CAT tools for a FAMILLIAR
John Walsh Apr 11, 2006
Being independent 5 cents a word low [quote]Sally Quinn wrote: 5 cents per word
seems to be the going rate for French/Italian
translations to English on the projects on which I
have bid. I live in the USA. Frankly, I thin
John Walsh Apr 11, 2006
Linguistics How to define the future time? sorry I didn't mean to sound rude. I guess I should try
to relax a little more.

[Edited at
2006-04-10 16:45]
John Walsh Apr 10, 2006
Linguistics How to define the future time? Exactly [quote]Lucia Ray wrote: There is no
philosophical element to grammar or the term
"future tense" and it ought not to be confused
with philosophy or abstract concepts of passage of
John Walsh Apr 10, 2006
Linguistics How to define the future time? an example [quote]engtense wrote: The title and my
examples clearly ask what I want. I am terribly
sorry if one will mistake I am asking of the
Future Tense here. I will not escape from the
John Walsh Apr 9, 2006

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