The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Norwegian to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Norwegian term English translation
(Johnsen 2, foran s. 24). (Johnsen 2, before p. 24).
1%-poeng one percentage point
Entered by: Charles Ek
advis advice
aksje- og andelskjøpsavtale share and unit purchase agreement
aksjeemisjon share offering
aksjefond unit trust (fund) (UK), mutual fund (US)
aksjefordeling (present) allocation of shares
aksjeovergang shares transfer/transfer of shares
aksjer i tilgang/avgang acquisitions and disposals of shares
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
aksjeselskap stock corporation
aksjesjef share manager
Entered by: jeffrey engberg
aktør actor, player, participant, party
aktiv forvaltningsservice active asset allocation service, active custodial services, active management service
alderspensjon over drift unfunded pension plan
andel av tilleggsavsetninger share of additional provisions
angrerett right of cancellation
anleggsmidler non-current assets / fixed assets
anleggsobligasjon Long term bond / security
anleggsvederlag payment for construction work
askjer shares
avbetale buy in installments
avkvittering settling of accounts
Entered by: Hanne Rask Sonderborg
avregningssentral clearing house
Avskåret rentefradrag disallowed interest deductions/expenses
Entered by: dmesnier
avstemming og avregning reconciliation and clearing
Avstemmingsdøgn date of reconciliation, reconciliation date
Avtalefestet pensjon contractual early retirement scheme
årstakt leie annual rate of rent increase
øredifferanser penny differences
øresavregning rounding off øre
Bankenes StandardiseringsKontor (BSK) Norwegian Banks' Standardisation Office
barnepensjon child pension / children's pension
beheftet med salgspant exposed to an unpaid (AmE) vendor's (BrE:) seller's lien
beregningsunderlag basis for calculation
betalingsproduktet the payment product
Entered by: dmesnier
Bevilget kasse-/drifts-/brukskreditt granted line of credit
bevilgning allowance
Entered by: EC Translate
bilagsføring accounting entry
Entered by: Helen Johnson
bokført (saldo] balance entered
borteforsikring insurance for off-premises assets
Entered by: Helen Johnson
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