The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.
Portuguese to German translation glossaries
Accounting (29 terms)
Advertising / Public Relations (6 terms)
Aerospace / Aviation / Space (9 terms)
Agriculture (10 terms)
Archaeology (4 terms)
Architecture (25 terms)
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (13 terms)
Astronomy & Space
Automation & Robotics (12 terms)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks (101 terms)
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) (1 term)
Botany (13 terms)
Business/Commerce (general) (92 terms)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs (154 terms)
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (19 terms)
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (4 terms)
Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
Computers (general) (1 term)
Computers: Hardware
Computers: Software (24 terms)
Computers: Systems, Networks
Construction / Civil Engineering (158 terms)
Cooking / Culinary (39 terms)
Cosmetics, Beauty (21 terms)
Economics (12 terms)
Education / Pedagogy (136 terms)
Electronics / Elect Eng (51 terms)
Energy / Power Generation (43 terms)
Engineering (general) (187 terms)
Engineering: Industrial (189 terms)
Environment & Ecology (70 terms)
Esoteric practices
Finance (general) (109 terms)
Fisheries (1 term)
Folklore (1 term)
Food & Drink (21 terms)
Forestry / Wood / Timber
Furniture / Household Appliances (10 terms)
Gaming/Video-games/E-sports (5 terms)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (22 terms)
Genetics (2 terms)
Geography (2 terms)
Geology (11 terms)
Government / Politics (31 terms)
History (8 terms)
Human Resources (56 terms)
Human rights
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings (3 terms)
Insurance (41 terms)
International Org/Dev/Coop (1 term)
Internet, e-Commerce (3 terms)
Investment / Securities
IT (Information Technology) (18 terms)
Journalism (3 terms)
Law (general) (886 terms)
Law: Contract(s) (232 terms)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright (12 terms)
Law: Taxation & Customs (69 terms)
Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
Linguistics (4 terms)
Livestock / Animal Husbandry (9 terms)
Management (6 terms)
Manufacturing (25 terms)
Market Research
Marketing (18 terms)
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) (35 terms)
Mathematics & Statistics (3 terms)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering (110 terms)
Media / Multimedia (3 terms)
Medical (general) (201 terms)
Medical: Cardiology (5 terms)
Medical: Dentistry (13 terms)
Medical: Health Care (20 terms)
Medical: Instruments (5 terms)
Medical: Oncology
Medical: Pharmaceuticals (9 terms)
Metallurgy / Casting (55 terms)
Metrology (1 term)
Military / Defense (14 terms)
Mining & Minerals / Gems (75 terms)
Music (10 terms)
Names (personal, company)
Nuclear Eng/Sci
Nutrition (3 terms)
Other (50 terms)
Paper / Paper Manufacturing (2 terms)
Patents (1 term)
Petroleum Eng/Sci (29 terms)
Philosophy (7 terms)
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) (5 terms)
Poetry & Literature (7 terms)
Printing & Publishing (7 terms)
Psychology (8 terms)
Real Estate (50 terms)
Religion (7 terms)
Retail (4 terms)
Safety (5 terms)
Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
SAP (3 terms)
Science (general)
Ships, Sailing, Maritime (6 terms)
Slang (1 term)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (5 terms)
Sports / Fitness / Recreation (12 terms)
Telecom(munications) (10 terms)
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion (23 terms)
Tourism & Travel (90 terms)
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (42 terms)
Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
Water resources management
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture (26 terms)
Zoology (2 terms)