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إسباني إلى أنجليزي القانون: العقود Translation Glossary

إسباني term أنجليزي translation
... que habrá de perseguirse... ...which will have to be claimed...
..., seran de cuenta y carga del Arrendatario The Lessee/Tenant shall defray the cost of
...,segun manifiestan,... as previously stated
.... al cual se le delegan todas las facultades que legal y estatutariamente com to whom all the powers that by law and according to the Bylaws are conferred ...are delegated
......depositar en la cuenta corriente en dólares ......... deposit in the current accoun (UK)/cheking account (USA) in US dollars
Entered by: Marina Soldati
....sin esperar su posterior aprobación y...... ... without waiting for its subsequent approval and ... que resultaría teóricamente de aplicar en dicho período inicial... the interest rate is lower than would theoretically result if the earlier agreed rate were applied
Entered by: Edward Tully
...el cual fue sustituido por un Otrosi No.1 a dicho acuerdo de participación ..which was substituted by Amendment No.1 to such ...
...este contrato quedará rescindido por la disolución... this agreement shall terminate upon dissolution of either of the parties /upon other party's dissolu
...fijan el domicilio social, legal y fiscal... establish the registered office and tax domicile
...grava con derecho real de hipoteca en primer grado de privilegio a favor de lien with right of first real property mortgage in favor of
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
...hasta la recepcion de los mismos. until receipt of the same
...incapaza de pagar su deudas, hiciere de bienes en benficio de .... personal property would be used in payment of...
...incluyendo el correspondiente a repechaje en el evento que lo hubiere including any playoff match that may be held...
...incursa inicialmente en presunción de temeridad... an initial allegation/accusation of disregard
Entered by: Edward Tully
...las sanciones penales a que se hiciere acreedor any criminal penalties to which he/she may be subject
...o a otro titulo or otherwise howsoever
...para lograr que el suceso.... ... to see that the event...
...para que cada uno de ellos pudeira ejecitarlas por si solo... that each (and every) of them may individually exercise all the powers...
...parte en disputa y estos nombrarán al tercero en discordia in dispute, and they (the arbitrators/mediators) will appoint a third in the event of disagreement.
...que conozca el ejercicio anterior. familiar with the previous fiscal year
...que le correspondan which (subject) is entitled
...radicó una Demanda de Divorcio por la causal de Separación. filed a petition for divorce on the grounds of separation
...relacionadas en v/presentaciones preteritas... listed in several prior administrative submissions encuentra asentada un acta de matrimonio ...a marriage certificate/record is entered
...señalandose como sede del tribunal el que señale el Presidente ...with the (industrial/arbitration) tribunal to be convened in the location indicated...
...vence el contrato de leasing q tenemos con uds en 700 N... ... the leasing contract which we have with you on 700 N...expires on....
...y con preeminencia de lo ahí establecido giving precedence to the contents thereof
...y la primera por no serlo con anterioridad... ...and the first, since she has not appeared before...
...y otorga por dicho importe el recibo más amplio que en derecho proceda. ...and grants for the said sum the most ample receipt allowed by law.
Entered by: eski
..apreciarán las pruebas según las reglas de la sana crítica..... shall heed the evidence according to the rules of fair criticism
..comprende todas...o simultaneas a su firma y al respeto …and comprises every disagreement and transaction among the parties, prior or concurrent to their si tuvo por practicada... (the delivery) was deemed as effected (made)
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
/incurrir/incumplimiento/referidas incur/default/referred thereto
00/100 M.N. 00/100 National Currency (number of cents - in this case zero cents)
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
00/100 M.N. [regarding Mexican Pesos] 00/100 Nat. Curr.
Entered by: Joaquim Siles-Borràs
1.13 PAZ Y SALVO POR CONCEPTO DE APORTES PARAFISCALES tax payment certificate or tax clearance certificate of parafiscal contributions
100 MTM 100 MTM (Method Time Measurement)
2.800 euros mensuales 2,800 euros per month
2do grado de consanguinidad y 1ro de afinidad 2nd degree by blood and first by marriage
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