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View all | 276-300 of 839 results
EEA multilingual environmental glossary
European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark |
Multilingual environmental glossary, and links to pollution and chemicals glossaries.
Botanical Glossary
Dennis and Linda Cathcart |
Difficult botanical terms
Gökbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü
Abdullah Kızılırmak |
Yalnız gökbilim terimlerinin karşılığını vermekle kalmayıp evren haritaları ve bu terminolojiyi bir perspektif içerisine koymaya yardımcı olacak faydalı bilgiler de sunuyor. Bir de "hiç" sözcüğünün anlamını netleştiriyor.
More than 400 abbreviations found in a 19th century French encyclopaedia.
Pesticide Use, Safety, and Training: Terms
Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California |
UC IPM develops and disseminates pesticide safety education materials to promote the safest and most effective use of pesticides. This online glossary is presented in alphabetical order either by English or Spanish term.
Environmental resource in all EU languages
GLOSSARY OF PHYTOSANITARY TERMS (trilingual English-French-Spanish)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
This reference standard is a listing of terms and definitions with specific meaning for phytosanitary systems worldwide. It has been developed to provide a harmonized internationally agreed vocabulary associated with the implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Users w... View more
English - Spanish Air Contaminant Glossary
From the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality website. |
English - Spanish Air Contaminant Glossary for Spanish Public Notice This list contains numerous air contaminants, mostly as listed in the ESL (= Effects Screening Levels) lists of 6/22/92 and updates of 1994. The Spanish translated names are capitalized for trademarks. In many such cases, there is no translation and the English word must be used... View more
Glosario Inglés-Español de Términos Usuales Empleados en Producción Animal
El Sitio de la Producción Animal / Bavera, Guillermo A. (Recopilador) |
An EN-ES glossary on livestock breeding. 27 pages of downloadable PDF file searchable in both directions.
Odborný ekologický a přírodovědný slovník
Server Pří |
Slovník serveru Pří není specializovaný jen na otázky ekologie. Kromě vysvětlení pojmů z oboru ekologie zde najdete i obory jako biologie, geologie, genetika, životní prostředí, myslivost, zdroje energie, chráněné oblasti, zaznamenávání zvuku i obrazu. Pokusíme se Vám zde vysvětlit všechna méně známá nebo odborná slova ze všech oblastí, k... View more
Nomenclatura zoológica de las Américas
Grupo Ciencias de la Vida |
Glosario de nombres científicos (en latín) de diversos animales y sus equivalentes en el habla popular de diversos países hispanohablantes.
Geology Dictionary / Słownik Geologiczny
JEK's Dictionary Website |
A comprehensive English-Polish online glossary of geological terms.
Universe and Astrophysics Dictionary
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center |
NASA Dictionary that explains the vast majority of the technical terms used in Astrophysics-related documents.
A short dictionary of scientific quotations
Natural Science - Alfred Burdett |
Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов
Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., науч. ред. Л.И.Патрушев |
Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов
Glosario geológico español
Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos (España) |
Definiciones más bien amplias de términos geológicos. Monolingüe español
Additieven geklassificeerd naar groep (antiklontermiddelen, antioxydanten, enz.). Handig bij het vertalen van ingrediëntenlijsten.
termes et sens en français
A list of 43 agricultural viruses and virus-like organisms, mainly affecting fruit.
As the whole glossary is at the same page, can be used in both language directions via the search function.
Tento on-line slovník momentálně obsahuje přes 140 000 unikátních výrazů. Založeno na projektu GNU/FDL Anglicko-Český slovník Seznam anglických odborných termínů s tématikou životního prostředí.
These names are presented to assist you in naming your special foal. We don't consider ourselves experts in this language and have taken time to get the best translations for each name listed, with the assistance from our Arabic speaking friends. Many are older Arabian horse names from Classical Arabic spoken at the time, some from colloquial Arabi... View more
Glosario meteorológico
Subsecretaria de Marina (México) y otros |
En este glosario se describen los términos usados en los pronósticos, boletines y avisos meteorológicos que se generan en el Centro de Análisis y Pronostico Meteorológico Marítimo (CAPMAR) de la Secretaría de Marina y en otros centros de pronostico nacionales y extranjeros. En letras azules se muestran los términos en Ingles.
The aim of the present article is to relieve this problem as much as possible by establishing the translation into Spanish of some of the most problematic terms in English within the fields of Ethology, Ecology and Evolution. A total of 172 terms in English have been translated into Spanish. An asterisk marks the terms that are habitually used but... View more
French, German, Spanish equivalents of many typical bulb- and gardening-related words in English; descriptions are in English only.
Glosario de términos utilizados en relaciones terrestres-solares / Glossary of terms used in terrestrial-solar relations
Julio César Gianibelli and Nicolás Quaglino |
An English to Spanish glossary of terms used in terrestrial-solar relations, from the Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.
Fundamental Terminology of Structural Behavior
Virginia University - Kirk Martini |
Fundamental Terminology of Structural Behavior
szybki, wielojezyczny, korzysta ze slownikow specjalistycznych
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006 |
FishBase (29300 Species, 216800 Common names, 41300 Pictures, 37900 References)
nuclear glossary
Scientific Digital Visions, Inc. |
terms covering nuclear chemistry, nuclear physic, nuclear engineering, and radiation biochemistry. The nuclear terminology is now supplemented with military terminology, environmental terminology, and federal regulations terminology. Specialized suites of terms were then added and include U.S. nuclear weapons tests, effects of nuclear weapons, nuc... View more
Explanatory UFOlogy Dictionary
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Free online dictionary. The Dictionary is the first attempt in the lexicography to optimize UFO terminology. It contains 853 articles. The heading of the article is printed in Bold, English and German equivalents - in Italic, words and word combination in the text of the articles are printed in Italic and underlined, in the articles there are refe... View more
Αγγλο-Ελληνικό / Ελληνο-Αγγλικό Λεξικό Χημείας
University Of Athens - Department of Chemistry |
Glosario de lumbricultura comercial |
Definition of basic terms.
StarDate Online - AstroGlossary
©1995-2006 The University of Texas McDonald Observatory |
(c) 2001-2006 'ΠΛΑΝΗΤΑΡΙΟ Θεσσαλονίκης' - Δημήτριος Τσάμπουρας & Σια Ο.Ε. |
Επιλεγμένα εικονογραφημένα λήμματα αστρονομίας & Αλφαβητικά λήμματα αστρονομίας από την Ηλεκτρονική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Επιστήμη & Ζωή
A handy guide to the telescope and its optics.
A handy glossary of astronomical terms.