Browse links of Cinema, Film, TV, Drama glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Cinema, Film, TV, Drama terms.
View all | 26-42 of 42 results
sound audio
A multilingual glossary of cinema still expanding. Search possible in the categories below:
-Production Design
-Sound Recording
-Other Crew
-Other Terms
-Technical Terms
Source lang... View more
Glossário de Teatro
André G. Bourassa |
Glossário de Teatro.
Cinema Terminology Dictionary
Artemotore artisti |
Parole ed espressioni del mondo del cinema, della televisione, della regia, della fotografia, della sonorizzazione e quanto legato al mondo dei films
Animation Dreamers |
Glosario ilustrada animación
En esta sección vamos añadiendo todos los términos propios de la animacion, desarrollándolos a través de descripciones y gráficos. Si quieres colaborar con términos, definiciones o gráficos no dudes en contactar.
Television Audience Measuring Glossary
AGB Nielsen Media Research |
Television Audience Measurement Glossary: an item can be searched either in alphabetical order by easy reference sections. Both access methods provide a powerful free text search feature. Organisations of TAM Research TAM survey design, sampling methodology & statistical terms Peoplemeter TAM meter functions, data collection & processing TA... View more
En français - Développé par Xavier REMIS, Lycée Henri-Poincaré, Nancy
Glossary of Film Terms
by Joel Schlemowitz |
written and designed for the web by Joel Schlemowitz Filmmaking is an art with a very complex, and in some ways confusing, vocabulary of terms. To communicate with labs, negative cutters and with your crew it is best to know the right term to use. The terms can often b... View more
in English
En français - Ce lexique a été conçu au Département de cinéma du CEGEP de Ste-Foy (Québec).
Terms and definitions related to Digital Photography (in Italian) The same page also hosts a link to film-based photography terms. Glossary may be browsed in alphabetical order or downloaded as a pdf file. Glossario della fotografia digitale (consultabile in ordine alfabetico e scaricabile in formato pdf). Sulla stessa pagina collegamento... View more
Dizionario dei termini cinematografici - Ente dello Spettacolo |
Dizionario dei termini cinematografici, di Francesco Vedovati, edito dall'Ente dello Spettacolo. Oltre 10000 termini ed espressioni in uso nell'industria cinematografica e televisiva, tradotti e spiegati in italiano. Un pratico dizionario dedicato ai professionisti, ma anche agli appassionati di cinema
Glossary of Theatre Terms
The Queen's Theatre |
Glossary of theatre terms, in cooperation with the Department Of English Literature Theatre Workshop, Sheffield University.
Termes Techniques du Spectacle
Glossario terminologia fiction televisiva - Television Fiction Terminology Glossary
OFI - Osservatorio sulla Fiction Italiana |
Il glossario comprende un’ampia selezione di termini relativi alla fiction televisiva, pertinenti a differenti aree (formati, narrazione, produzione, offerta). Le definizioni, soprattutto per quel che riguarda le strutture formali e produttive della fiction, hanno carattere storico-esemplificativo. Il glossario è un work in progress, nuove voci ve... View more
Movie& Film Glossary |
definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinemagoing
IMDb Film Glossary
International Movie Database |
The Internet Movie Database's online film glossary. Here, you will find definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinemagoing.