Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 44 results
Glossary of terms for immigration documentation: 建物賃貸借契約書 rental agreement 物件の表示 description of property
Philippe REGALL |
TechDico is a translation web service, feeded by 900 millions translations, individually labelled by field of activity, in 28 languages (the 24 languages of EU + russian + chinese + japanese + korean) and proposes translation (glossary + examples sentences) in 282 pairs of languages. TechDico is also the only service which proposes a multilingual m... View more
Trading glossary
French Idioms Dictionary
Language Realm |
Glossary of general French idioms with their English equivalents or explanations. The French idioms do not seem to include specifically Quebecois ones. The general site also has a good variety of resources including English, Spanish and Japanese Idiom Dictionaries as well as other dictionaries in English, French, Japanese, Latin, German, Spanis... View more
J to E Finance Glossary
Jeannette A Taudin |
Finance glossary
Электронный японско-русский словарь
Warodai Project |
Электронный японско⇔русский словарь создан в 2008 году на основе следующего бумажного издания: С. В. Неверов, К. А. Попов, Н. А. Сыромятников, Н. И. Фельдман, М. С. Цын, В. М. Константинов БОЛЬШОЙ ЯПОНСКО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ Под редакцией академика Н. И. Конрада Для выверки значений некоторых японских лексем, а также для генерации транскрипции ... View more
Japanese Architecture and Art Net User System
Dr. Mary Neighbour Parent |
This dictionary contains approximately 8000 terms related to traditional Japanese architecture and gardens, painting, sculpture and art-historical iconography from approximately the 1st century A.D. to the end of the Edo period (1868). Terms from related fields such as lacquer, ceramics, textiles and metalwork have been included where they are cons... View more
Tokkyo Honyaku Koza: Patent Translation glossary
Horsefrog Patent School |
日英特許翻訳入門コース 日本人の方向けに、新しいコース「日英特許翻訳入門」が9月5日(水)に始まりました。コースの詳細はこちらでご覧になれます。 Horsefrog Online Japanese to English Patent Translation School This is a glossary of patent-specific terminology (approximately 2500 entries) that also contains several hundred sample sentences. Please send comments or entry requests to james[at mark] En... View more
Japanese-English Legal Dictionary
Japanese government |
Legal dictionary including statutory and case law terminology.
This is a Japanese <=> Russian free online dictionary. At the moment it consists of about 90,000 entries and the number of words is constantly increasing. It was designed for translators and has very unique structure. There are 15 specialized dictionaries such as Chemistry, Architecture, Medicine etc. In addition, each of 15 dictionaries is divided... View more
Japanese Sex Slang
Gerard de Nerval, Robinson Mason, Katu.U, digitboy, and Joe |
Explicit content: A glossary of Japanese Sex Slang, often encountered in Hentai.
Japanese - English translation of Japanese economic indicators
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. |
Terminology in Japanese and English for major Japanese economic indicators (kana/romaji/Englsh)
Japanese - English Accounting Terms Glossary
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. |
Japanese - English listing of accounting terminology (Kana/Romaji/English) includes accounting methods, general accounting terminology, and accounting bodies and associations
YakuSu Japanese-Ukrainian Online Dictionary consists of more than 20,000 words. All entries are divided into categories, so it is easy to find а right word.
Bi-Directional English-Japanese Dictionary
Pacific Software Publishing |
To look up a Japanese word, you must type in kana or kanji to find the definition. The dictionary is not designed to accept romanized Japanese input. You can also use wildcards ( * ) in your search.
This dictionary is based on EDICT by Jim Breen and is powered by ALISE (A Little Internet Search Engine).
Glossary of Japanese Arts Terms
The Sennin Foundation |
Japanese to English Art Terms
Searchable online Japanese to English and English to Japanese dictionary database. This dictionary is very versatile. You can do a general search or search for target words restricted to subcategories such as science, biology, aviation, law, culture, place or people names and many more. It is very up-to-date and is continually expanding, as a res... View more
List of several terms used in Japanese calligraphy, with definitions.
usefull glossary for computer related terms in Japanese and English
This is an excellent Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionary. It requires a Japanese enabled browser. It is especially useful as you can search for word combinations and it will provide sentences they appear in.
Japanese-English Printing Glossary
Kokushin Printing Co., Ltd. |
This printing glossary requires a Japanese enabled browser.
Glossary of linguistic terms
P. Spaelti's page on Japanese |
Single page linguistics glossary.
Japanese - English
Very large compilation of glossaries from or into Japanese and other languages
Japanese flash cards
education |
A Danish Japanese dictionary
Japanese -> English list of various illness. Also "Dictionary of Oral Diseases", "Dental Terminologies" and their symptoms are discussed and listed in different pages. Not very expansive but good site to gain basic knowledge in this area.
English version of Japanese Pharmacopoeia. You can use it as a reference to to translate regulations on pharmaceutical testing.
Regulations related to pharmaceutical testing.
Usuful glossary for searching idioms, slangs, and proverbs
fish lexikon in many languages: danish, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, greek, icelandic, italian, japanese, norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, serbo-croat, spanish, swedisch, turkish + scientific names
This page provides English-Japanese dictionary for English Speaking People. When we seek a Japanese word, we refer English-Japanese dictionary and then Japanese-English dictionary to confirm its meaning. Kanji character is major obstacle on the second process. Therefore, every Kanji character has its correspoinding Kana on this dictionary.
Most of the entries in this glossary comprise either katakana words that have been adopted into Japanese from other languages (predominantly from English, although there is one rather notorious example from the French) or native Japanese words that have acquired a specialized meaning in baseball.
Interactive Glossary of Japanese Theatre Terms
Japanese Performing Arts Resource Center |