Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

așa cum le stă bine unor persoane saturate de auditii

English translation:

as befits

Added to glossary by Lara Barnett
Apr 12, 2012 23:37
12 yrs ago
Romanian term

așa cum le stă bine unor persoane saturate de auditii

Romanian to English Art/Literary General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Journalistic Article on conductor
I am completely confused about what this phrase is referring to in this article about a famous conductor.

The context reads:

"Publicul de melomani, sosiți oarecum sceptici – așa cum le stă bine unor persoane saturate de auditii impecabile – a recunoscut în mod spontan uimitoarele calități ale acestui șef tânăr. "

I see the surrounding text as saying:

"The music loving audience welcomed this young leader rather sceptically - as is ???? a person ??? - instantly recognising his outstanding qualities."

However, I cannot translate this middle section of the sentence because I do not know what "așa cum le" is referring to, and what "stă bine" means in this context.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +4 as befits
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Proposed translations

6 hrs
Romanian term (edited): așa cum le stă bine

as befits

BTW, sotiti nu inseamna welcome, ci "had arrived".

Note added at 6 hrs (2012-04-13 06:17:35 GMT)

You can now fit it in.
Peer comment(s):

agree Cristina Crişan : as befits connoisseurs who had witnessed countless flawless performances, spre exemplu; befit e perfect. / de acord, dar ce să-i faci, ne înduioşează cei care încearcă să ne înveţe graiul :-)
16 mins
Multumesc, Cristy! Intr-adevar. Pe de alta parte, nu cred ca metoda mura-n gura e cea mai potrivita... :-)
agree Annamaria Amik : De acord, şi cu excelenta completare a lui MCristy :-)
1 hr
agree Diana Coada (X)
3 hrs
agree Irina-Maria Foray
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."
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