The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Norwegian to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Norwegian term English translation
Bruikervilkar: Godtatt Ikke godtatt Terms of use: Agree Disagree / Accept Do not accept
passivhus passive house
(bruger) plads place
Entered by: Lota
amtmann county governor
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
bakoversveis blow your mind
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
be om ordet ask for the floor
bite godt i fra oss put up (a) fight
budskapsnotat Talking points memo
Entered by: Charles Ek
busslommer bus lay-by, bus pull-in (UK); bus zone (US)
dørspiss door head
det gjelder å avslutte It's time to put an end to it/It has to be stopped
dua-dua-kor doo-wop backing group
etter det opplyste according to information provided
falt på fell due to
får utdelt sin fulle farsarv receive their full paternal inheritance
for rene humbug pure hogwash
For. ansv.: DELT Parental responsibility: SPLIT (DIVIDED)
Entered by: Mindaugas Vasinauskas
forankring basis
formidlingsplikt obligation to communicate/transfer (knowledge)
forsere negotiate
fram til until
gjennom nærmere for nearly
gjennomgående true (divided)
Gud give at vi aldrig maa opleve at Stortinget brænder. God forbid that we should ever have to witness Parliament afire/aflame.
harrypreg urban redneck
høyrer hjemme belong in/to
heimemarka home pastures
holdepunkt for evidence that
i alle år over the years
ideell non-profit
Internsamling internal meeting
jeg får ikke noe igjen for det allikevel I won't get anything in return for it anyway
journalisering journalization
justerdirektør Director of the Norwegian Bureau of Weights and Measures
Entered by: Hege Jakobsen Lepri
kf. see (consult)
kjevler rolling pins
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
kokos noogie
kose med cuddle
levere, gitt deliver, …
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